Alexander Gapak | Software Engineer

Eastern Standard Time, USA. email, github, telegram, linkedin

Hi! I'm Alexander - Senior Software Engineer and blockchain enthusiast. And I'm so inspired by computer science and open-source activity. I enjoy diving deep into the intricate details of how these technologies work and exploring their potential for creating secure and optimized systems.


-> Nov 2023 - May 2024 | web3mine, Software Engineer, Remote

Blockchain Lab, building Filecoin & smart contracts infrastructure

-> Feb 2023 - Oct 2023 | EverX, Software Engineer, Remote

EverX is the core developer of the Everscale Network: an on-demand scalable, decentralized blockchain and its major component EVER OS. My responsibility includes design, prototyping, implementation and enhancements of the development tools, smart-contracts and other core assets like TON-Solidity-Compiler and ever-vm.

-> May 2022 - Feb 2023 | POLUS, CTO & blockchain engineer, Remote

Startup of the DeFi revolution on the Polygon chain. Scalable full-fledged ecosystem from B2B to NFT. My responsibility is related to team management and developing a high-load architecture EVM blockchain smart contracts. With my leadership and technical expertise, my team and I have created the following products:

-> Feb 2022 - Aug 2022 | Ton Stack, Founder and core developer, Remote

Is an independent “The Open Network” blockchain developers open-source community, which was founded by me. With my participation and initiative, one of the first set of tools and libraries was developed that implements working with composite TON data structures and network protocols, and it remains popular among experienced developers to this day.

-> Jul 2018 - Dec 2021 | Cyber Donate, Founder and architect, Remote

Simple and comfortable application for collecting donations. One click donations, easy setup for influencers and so many useful features. A leader among competitors, thanks to a unique monetization system, zero commission for community administrators, and seamless integration with various social networks, along with a user/dev-friendly API.

-> Jan 2017 - Jul 2018 | Independent developer, Python, Go and C/C++ developer

While working on various projects, I actively engaged in developing APIs and chat bots for platforms like Telegram. Additionally, I had the opportunity to expand my skillset by delving into embedded development for AVR and ARM microcontrollers. This involved working closely with hardware components, firmware programming.


-> Programming and tooling

Golang, Swift (Server Side), Solidity for Ethereum and for TVM Blockchains, FunC/Fift, C/C++, Rust, TypeScript. Bash, Make, CMake, SQL, Git, VS Code, Docker, Unix.

-> Other techs skills

Blockchains (like TON and Ethereum), Low-Level Systems Design, Compilers and Virtual Machines, Security Best Practices, High-load Architectures, Network Protocols.

-> Languages

English (B2), Russian (native).

Personal projects, other projects

-> HyperPool (2024, archive)

One of the highest-performance $GRAM mining pools. At its peak, it accounted for half of all the computing power devoted to $GRAM mining. A community of active professional miners numbering in thousands. UPD: $GRAM mining was officially discontinued at the end of 2024.

-> tonuniverse (archive)

One of the first TON mining pools. Open source developments include a mining client developed in Go, as well as a convenient API for working with the highload wallet.

-> nft-auc-contest (archive)

Auction smart contracts that were developed for the TON NFT marketplace We developed this project together with purp1le and won first place in the 2022 getgems developers contest. These smart contracts have been successfully put into production for auctions on the getgems marketplace.

-> twspi-api (archive)

Ton Whales staking pool backend api developed with TypeScript.

Thank you for your consideration!

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